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Everything You Need to Know

Will we have the rights to print and share?

Yes! You can print the photographs anywhere, and will not be restricted when it comes to using the images on social media and as prints throughout your home. However, it's highly appreciated when you share and tag our brand on your social media.

When would we get our photos?

You will receive a sneak peek image the next day of your wedding date so that you can release the big day to your social media as you fly off to your honeymoon. Online galleries are sent over 30 days after you wedding date. Your online gallery remains active for one full year allowing for tons of time to share and download.

Do I need a second photographer?

I'm so passionate about the need for two photographers, to capture my couple's wedding days. In a simple language, the main photographer job is focusing on the couple and the second shooter is capturing between moments. I can talk about this more on our counseling call!

If the day is running behind, will you stay later than scheduled?

With all the joyous events of the day, it's not uncommon for wedding days to run a tad behind. I am there to capture every key moment for you, so if I notice we are still missing some important shots, I'll ask if you'd like me to extend my shooting time and will happily stay.

How many photographs are included?

All final, edited images are included in your collection. Most galleries include 30 images per hour of coverage. The amount varies depending on the length of your event, number of guests, as well as the celebrations that take place.


I will contact you within two days and discuss the details about your such as location, your outfits and any props you may need.



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